sempena ulang tahun blog beliau yang pertama, Nordiyana anjurkan CONTEST: JOM COVER MULUT! it's awesome! the others come and join this really simple contest. as easy as ABC. the more the merrier. support member. why not? hadiah pon best.
no H1N1!!
langkah berjaga-jaga. prevention is better than cure.
aku siap dok cover mata lagi ye.!
nak tag mereka ini:
yang lain pon jangan segan silu pula nak join.
p/s: nak gelak pon kena cover mulut juga ye!
jom..kebetulan nye gambar..
ko bile plak nak wat kontes?
tu lah pasalnyer..
aku tak ada modal lagi la nak buat kontes2 ni..kena plan baek punyer one time..
nice one...
semoga berjaya sis^^
salam singgah dr penganjur contest^^
thanx tuan contest~~hope got a chance to win~~hihihi
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