All races united by a history long forgotten.and a future we shall face together.i'm Optimus Prime, and i send this message so that our past will always be remembered.for in those memories, we live on.
-Transformers 2: last dialog-
the revenge really really not fallen right now because Transformers series movie will hit the cinemas again! TRANSFORMERS 3: DARK OF THE MOON !! i can't wait! to be surprised this is the final battle between Autobots against Decepticons. ohhhh, so sad but it's gonna be the most critical battle since who's gonna win this time?
who else if not be Autobots!!

i choose option A for sure, since my prediction tells Autobots gonna win the battle.
option A: Tell us how you would protect the world from the Decepticons, and
first of all, we, Autobots must plan a very well strategies. this is not as playing hide and seeks okeyh! it is a critical battle. no money, no talk. no woman, no cry. BUT this time gonna be no strategies, no chance, you'll die.
what might be our strategies?
- make sure every Autobots must in a good conditions, healthy and get enough supplement. minum MILO anda jadi sihat dan kuat.
- every Autobots must go through a few military trainings to sharpen their skills, learn more tricky tactics and techniques thus, to be more tougher even no muscle gonna swollen up. lol
- next, the weapon! the genius team can invent very powerful guns thats are very sensitive to any danger. it's maybe gonna be brain control and instinct sensor. it's easily detect any harms even very faraway like from the moon. nothing is impossible since ideas come from the combination of brains is better than one brain.
- psycho war. attack Decepticons trough their minds. misunderstanding will disunite them.
- spread the propagandas through the galaxy. GALAXY!! not the earth or the moon only. let them open up their eyes and give outer supports.
- build up the strongest firewall as the Decepticons can't get through any data systems. but we can hack their system instead.
- lastly, go! go! fight! fight!
which Autobots character you would like to transform into to protect the world?
> my humble mumble Bumblebee !
> my honey BEE..

- i choose him because he is a very loyal companion. he is just like a guardian angle. just look the way how really care he is toward Sam. from the beginning till now, he stayed by Sam. even he is crying because he wanna be with Sam as Sam gonna further study. simply said the truly friend.

- very protective. sacrifice himself to protect Sam and family. Sam first no matter what.
- powerful even he is smaller than Optimus Prime. kecil-kecil cili padi katanya. supersonic power and and his hands are the best gun!

- a fun-loving prankster, according to himself he is the fastest thing on wheels. lol.
- a handsome, gorgeous, charming, etc. and he is cute too. errrrrr. hehehehe. the yellow Autobot i'm falling in love with right now. hahahaha.
do enjoy this teaser trailer which gonna make butterfly in your stomach. hahahahaha.
ok! be patient!

to follow The Ultimate Movie Card Facebook fanpage for more updates and do enjoy more interesting contests here. if you are the lucky you gotta win.
and you are also got a chance to win a grand prize of a 42” Panasonic VIERA 3D Plasma TV with 3D Blu-ray Player and combo kit. WOWWWWW! so, what you are waiting for?

a short conversation between me and B:
Me: B, i have a chance to win and meet you on the screening?
Bumblebee: yes, absolutely u will my dear. i wanna meet you so much.
Me: really B?
Bumblebee: yupp. it's unfair since you already know me since ages. but B never know how really you are.
Me: ok! then, make sure it happened ok?
Bumblebee: off course, my dear. B will do anything for you.
-my daydreaming-
crossing my fingers to be the 45 best written entries!!
amboi, rajin betul menaip kot omputeh
klu ak, dah tergeliat jari,haha
contest gua sanggup wat ape saje..hahaha..ngah rajen plak tu..kalo x haram la aku nulih omputih ni...
huh mmg xsabar nk tgk transformer baru ni..previous transformer mmg xpnh missed!klo sudi, singgah blog Azu ye. tq
yeahhhhh..kite tggu the coming soon yawww..
thanx 4 visiting..
wow..cepatnya up entri nie.. hahahaha..
baru nak rangka rangka nak buat.. koh koh koh
hah!! apelagi!! copat la buat!!
nanti dpt tiket nonton same2..hihihi
dpt tiket kasi aku ek..hee
hahahaha..ntah dapat ke idak..tunggu le pe cer sok...
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