Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
anggaplah buku itu umpama coklat m&m yang sedap itu..yumm yumm..
pasti semua data boleh dicerna dengan pantas dan berkesan.
masalahnya sekarang, baru satu page aku bukak dah menguap besar!!
gudlak member-member UIA!!
make sure results short sem gempak mae!!
aku jumpa angry birds BESAR PUNYERR !! nasib baek tak bersentuh ngan babi hijau tu. kalo tak pasal-pasal aku nak bersamak air tanah bagai. haishhhhhhhh. actually exam week just begin. and supposedly i should start focusing on my revision. kate nak dapat dean list la kunon kan. tapi kalo dengan gaya aku yang pemalas giler babi hijau tu, alamat angan-angan mat jenin saja lah. haishhhhhh. entah sampai bile nak insapnya.
alamak gelabah buntot la ko cimot!!(syaitan berbisik). setakat paper bahasa melayu apa ada. ko kan sasterawanita! hebat bermadah pujangga yang hanya orang gila saja yang paham. ceyttttt. bahasa melayu itu subjektif. memang senang tapi mengelirukan ok! aku lebih rela jawab paper Dynamics or Microelectronics lagi sekali pon takpe. huhuhuhu
arghhhhhh. aku taknak layan ko syaitan. lebih baek aku layan angry birds ni lagi best dan lagi comel dari ko! ko boleh la geng ngan babi hijau tu. memang babi sungguh la babi tu. kalau dah babi tu babi jugak la kan. liat giler babi. ehhhh. apasal aku membabi buta tak habis-habis ni? hahahaha.
memang dah jadi alah bisa terus terbiasa. bila nak exam je aku giler main game. bila aku giler game je aku pon exam. tak paham sungguh dengan hobby kiut dan cool aku ni. sindrom-sindrom akil baligh gamaknya. adoyaiiiii. susah eden nak control. layankan saja lah. kali ni aku ngah mabuk ngan angry birds!! grrrrrrrrrrr. bikin gua panas je ngan depa semua.
teng teng teng teng teng(intro)
dah masuk rumah orang jangan lupa nak ta'aruf. tak manis plak orang cakap. meh sini aku pekenalkan kat korang semua among of the ANGRY BIRDS IN THE HOUSE!!
1. Red Bird – The most common bird and the most popular in Angry Birds. It can easily break through glass material and can shatter long and slim wooden material. This one normally just fly and hit. That’s it, no special something about this bird.
Strength – Normal
Size – Normal
Cuteness – Above Average
Size – Normal
Cuteness – Above Average
2. Blue Bird – Small but definitely awesome this one is also known as the Replicate Bird. Once you launch it on the sling shot, click again to scatter shot just like a shotgun. We used it to break blocks of glass or to push some materials to our advantage.
Strength – Normal
Size – Small
Cuteness – Normal
Size – Small
Cuteness – Normal
3. Yellow Bird – Our favorite, because of its lightning dash and absolute cuteness. It can pierce through on wood blocks with ease but with a slight weakness on ice. This triangular Bird has a special trait also known as speed booster.
Special Ability – Dash (tap again on the screen to boost its speed)
Strength – Above Average
Size – Medium
Cuteness – Above Normal
Strength – Above Average
Size – Medium
Cuteness – Above Normal
4. Black Bird – One of the strongest birds in this game because this one is fat it tends to destroy things on where it lands and after that, Kaboom! It wreaks havoc to its target point so pigs should be warned when this bird is up.
Special Ability – Anti – Matter Bomb (shattering walls and other materials especially evil pigs)
Strength – Strong
Size – Big
Cuteness – Very cute
Strength – Strong
Size – Big
Cuteness – Very cute
5. White Bird – a special type of bird because this one lay down egg on any unlucky target and after that it will burst. They are also known as Pelican Birds and Egg Birds.
Special Ability – Bomber
Strength – Strong (it will only become weak if you forgot to tap the screen and lay the egg bomb)
Size – Big
Cuteness – Very cute
Strength – Strong (it will only become weak if you forgot to tap the screen and lay the egg bomb)
Size – Big
Cuteness – Very cute
Which Angry Birds character do you prefer most?
ngek laaa. itu bukan burung la! tapi babi la babi.
so sesape pengguna chrome boley laaa install ANGRY BIRDS CHROME klik SINI. boleh la maen tanpa batasan even time offline. angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
p/s: zassssssssss. layan.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
SEGMEN : Ady Budika Nak Kasi Ole-Ole Dari London
assalamualaikum..salam sejahtera kepada anda semua semoga bahagia..
first of all, haiiii Ady Budika!!! apa habaq naaaa?? mesti la sihat dan gembira dan eksaited sebab nak pegi London tak lama lagi kan.. hihihihihi..
ok dengan ini saya nak isytiharkan yang saya nak join Ady Budika punye GA plak..ohlalalala..London mari tu..hahaha.. iyolah tu..
macammana terjumapa pak cik ni? ohhhhh. ternampak kat cik Nisa punye belog. so, tetibe jari jemari ni gatal plak nak join. mana tau dapat betul-betul ole-ole dari London tu. hihihii.
lai lai lai. join AB punye GA ni!! this is the last day ok!!
first of all, haiiii Ady Budika!!! apa habaq naaaa?? mesti la sihat dan gembira dan eksaited sebab nak pegi London tak lama lagi kan.. hihihihihi..
ok dengan ini saya nak isytiharkan yang saya nak join Ady Budika punye GA plak..ohlalalala..London mari tu..hahaha.. iyolah tu..
macammana terjumapa pak cik ni? ohhhhh. ternampak kat cik Nisa punye belog. so, tetibe jari jemari ni gatal plak nak join. mana tau dapat betul-betul ole-ole dari London tu. hihihii.
lai lai lai. join AB punye GA ni!! this is the last day ok!!
Malaysia's Next Top Female Blogger 2011 by Sandra Azwan
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
semoga ceria selalu.
apa yang ditunggu lagi.
buka mata buka hati cuba ceburkan diri.
insyallah ade rezeki hadiah bakal dimiliki.
adat pertandingan kalau kalah boleh cuba lagi.
enjoy and happy.
sesi interview bersama Sandra Azwan:
1) Tell us about your blog in 70 words or less. (When and why you started it, how often you update, and your viewers)
May 2008, cimot mula menakluki empayar 'blogspot' melalui 'Harahap'. then, saja test power indie stream dengan title ''. tiada agenda tersembunyi, sekadar menuntut kebebasan berekspresi dan 'install' memori peribadi. bila baca semula boleh terketawa atau berair mata. di samping itu, dapat mengembangkan komuniti dan kenali lebih ramai personaliti yang punya ragam tersendiri. sekali sehari update diari. kalau rajin boleh tambah dua tiga entry lagi. bergantunglah pada diri. aku bukannya superstar punya pengikut ramai. cukuplah kawan yang setia biarpun satu dalam sejuta. ada apa pada follower? yang penting loyal readers; giving fully support during your up and down.
2) What is your personal style?
suka yang simple tapi rare. contohnya warna terang kalau jauh sebatu orang dah boleh recognize 'that's cimot'. walau bagaimanapun, black outfits always right. anytime anywhere should be fine. simple pada aku adalah baju kurung. aku bangga memakai baju kurung. baju kebangsaan negara tumpahnya darahku. tambahan pula, sedari aku kecil mak sangat rajin membuat baju kurung. bermacam-macam corak. sehingga ada satu baju kurung aku corak kartun. pandai mak aku tarik minat budak kecik supaya pakai baju kurung. baju kurung itu cantik. ya, memang betul kata mak tu. dia juga tidak pernah membiarkan anaknya pakai baju kurung selain hasil sentuhan tangannya sendiri. sungguh puas hati. tiada sesiapa boleh menandinginya setelah dia tidak berdaya lagi. maka sehingga kini baju kurung adalah outfits yang paling aku gemari kerana seninya sendiri. fyi, dalam banyak jenis baju kurung, aku paling suka baju kurung cotton. dan aku bercita-cita nak membuat koleksi baju kurung cotton. i'm lovin' it!!
3) A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits:
baju kurung kain kapas warna hitam corak bulu harimau bintang(tampak berani lain dari yang lain). kain sarung hitam stripe putih. my favourite baju kurung cotton ever. and my favourite color ever.
ya, hitam itu menawan!
*kebiasaannya baju kurung cotton adalah berkonsepkan bunga-bunga halus atau ala-ala corak vintage. aku dah bosan. bertukar!
4) Are you the next Malaysia’s Top Female Blogger 2011? Why?
YES! I'll be the next Malaysia's Top Female Blogger 2011. tiada apa yang mustahil jika sentiasa berusaha tanpa kenal apa makna putus asa. yes, i'm not famous neither gorgeous nor glamorous. but, i do have my other side which others see....."yes, that's her i'm looking for!!!"
setiap insan punya kehebatan yang tersendiri yang tiada sesiapa pun yang mampu kuasai dan saingi.
kejelitaan adalah milik setiap insan.
5) I love to read ‘Life with Sandra…..’ because?
honestly, this is the first time i know Sandra Azwan specifically and closely through his 'Life with Sandra.....' since he is one of the sponsors in Nisa's GA. just heard his name with his magic touches and a few shots of his arts. anyway, after scanning his awesome entries, my jaw drops down, i can't deny his hands really do magics. YES!
COLORS, LINES, ILLUSTRATIONS, GRAPHICS, PHOTOS, ETC are marvelous. TIP TOP!! how come i can miss this kind of arts expertise?
what i can say just now
lu memang best bro.....
(bukan nak mengampu, tapi hati aku kata itu, tak reti aku nak menipu. soriiiii.)
thus, from now on 'Life with Sandra.....' you are my nicotine. hahahaha. why i do love you 'Life with Sandra.....'? because you show me the way. make me wanna spread the arts. express it with the way i am. be myself. prinsip aku, kalau nak berjaya, cubalah lihat orang lain yang berjaya. so, orang lain yang berjaya tu can be you, 'Life with Sandra.....'. that's all from me, thank you.
p/s: Sandra Azwan, thanks for inviting me to join your awesome contest. next contest, make sure do invite me ok. hihihihihi.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
kali ni aku nak mencube jadi promoter. hihihi. jom-jom meh singgah meh. murah-murah. beli 1 dapat 1. beli 2 dapatlah 2. lelong-lelong. yang jauh mari dekat. yang dekat mari rapat. meh kita peluk erat-erat. korang pasti terkejut kalo aku cakap baju-baju ni RM20-RM25 jer including postage. tapi ini bukan cobaan! ini kenyataan! ala-ala REJECT SHOP mungkin. ataupun BUNDLE pon boleh jugak. memang tuan dia nak let go je baju ni. katenye sudah tidak muat untuk dipakai. takkan nak buang? so, aku tolong promote dan janji habes. and condition 7-10/10. ade yang baru pakai sekali dua je. nampak cantik dan seperti baru beli lagi. puas hati laaa.
ok2 takpe. korang window shopping dulu. kalo berkenan sila roger cepat kat tuan dia through this email
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ni feveret aku. bunga halus dia cantik. |

baju ni macam baju baby. kiut je.
kaler ala-ala lusuh gitu.

yang ni pon sama. kaler lusuh yang nampak antik.
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yang ni jenis jarang. seksi sikit yawwww. |
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very very nice floral flower. |
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light yellow shirt. lembut je mata yang memandang. |
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stripe shirt yang sweet je. |
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blouse yang ala-ala kebaya. nice! |
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yang ni kemeja paling cantik. kaler light purple. and really new one. |
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pink stripe t-shirt. memang comel. nak comel, kena pakai t-shirt ni. nak pakai t-shirt, kena beli dulu. hihihi. |
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HARRY POTTER tuuuu!! |
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t-shirt ni pon best jugak. kain dia sedap bukan tuk makan, tapi sedap tuk dipakai. |
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B.U.M. selalunya tidak menghampakan. pasti best! |
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kaler ala-ala hijau askar. nice! something different. |
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ni macam dress la. kain dia perghhhh. memang sedap laaa. sape2 yang suke kain lembik2 lembut, this is the best choice. |
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yang ini sangat comel ok. |
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t-shirt yang sangat sedap tuk dipakai. kain lembut dan sejuk. |
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polo t-shirt. kain sejuk. |
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bling-bling. meriah gitu. |
ini baru sebahagian. ade lagi.
for more information about these clothes, you all can like this page and visit here
jom la terjah! ape lagi! jangan kate aku tak ajak plak ea.
cop! cop! kat page ni pon korang bley dapat novel bundle!
p/s: sape cepat dia dapat.
Friday, June 24, 2011
poke | mencucuk; (poke fun at) mentertawai, mencemuh |
so, inilah bende yang depa dok sibuk poke tu?
sungguh anda berani ye?
nasib baik kat fb je. cobaan sahaja bukan yang benar.
kalo betol korang poke @ poke yang betol-betol memang carik nahas ngan aku laaaa.
jom main poke!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Adele - Rolling In The Deep
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare.
See how I'll leave, with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do.
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
The scars of your love, remind me of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
Baby I have no story to be told
But I've heard one of you and I'm gonna make your head burn,
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared
The scars of your love, remind you of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it
With a beating
Throw your soul threw every open door
Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it to the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it,
You played it,
You played it
You played it to the beat
aku ngah addict to Adele unique voice. perghhhhhh. memang terbaek dari ladang la gua cakap sama lu.
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare.
See how I'll leave, with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do.
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
The scars of your love, remind me of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
Baby I have no story to be told
But I've heard one of you and I'm gonna make your head burn,
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared
The scars of your love, remind you of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it
With a beating
Throw your soul threw every open door
Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it to the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it,
You played it,
You played it
You played it to the beat
aku ngah addict to Adele unique voice. perghhhhhh. memang terbaek dari ladang la gua cakap sama lu.
p/s: sore aku ade la sikit cam Adele..cessss..
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
alahaiiiiiiii.. comel nye anak maateh ni!! memang macam maateh dia.! hahaha. |
skali soh say cheeseeeeeee..
errrkk. rongak laaa. larikkkk. |
p/s: perangai deena sama macam aku.
muke pelik bile bergambor.
Sunday, June 19, 2011

dalam sejuta lelaki romantik sekalipon, ABAH AKU paling romantik mengalahkan Seth Tan!
dalam sejuta lelaki perkasa sekalipon, ABAH AKU paling gagah perkasa!
dalam sejuta lelaki penyayang sekalipon, ABAH AKU paling penyayang macam iklan Johnson's baby!
dalam sejuta lelaki garang sekalipon, ABAH AKU paling garang yang buat aku giler sayang!
so, he's one in a million bak kata abang cu.
aku sayang abah sangat-sangat.
dan aku tahu abah juga begitu.
walau abah tak pernah bagitahu.
tapi aku pasti itu.
p/s: i love you, abah.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
hahaha. tetibe aku teringat zaman muda-muda dahulu kala. cerita henfon. teruja dapat pegang dan memiliki henfon. dah form 5 baru dapat henfon sendiri. perghhhh. maka mula lah perangai batak macam beruk baru dapat henfon. walau hakikatnya beruk tak dapat henfon pon ye! so, aku taknak jadi beruk sorang-sorang. aku pi heret anak buah aku dua ekor tu skali. ok! correction! depa yang soh aku tangkap gambaq depa. then, maateh dia plak dok pi dajal transform depa jadi beruk makyeh. hahaha.
maateh: jom main snap2 jom!
deena : ye ye ye ye ye!
ayee : taknak laaa.
maateh: arrrrrr tak kira! ok2 cepat2! ayee, buat camni. (sambil aku buat muka ternganga)
ayee : aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.(buat jugak dengan rela paksa)
aku snap
dan gelak terbahak2. kah kah kah kah.
ayee&deena: nak tengok nak tengok.
aku pon hulur henfon kat depa dan meneruskan sisa gelak lagi. tak tahan tengok muka beruk. kah kah kah.
ayee : grrrrrrrrrrr. maateh jahat.
deena : kita pon nak gak!
maateh: huh? (muka pelik)
errrrrrr. terbantut aku nak sambung gelak lagi. apekejadahnya budak deena ni? betol ke tak?
arghhhh. aku pon layan kan saja. dah dia yang mintak. aku nak cakap apa? tapi dalam hati aku, gelak syaitan laaaa. kah kah kah.
maateh: ok. deena kena wat muka cam beruk la. eh monkey face. (lupa anak buah aku si deena ni kurang faham bahasa melayu. adoyyyyyy. translate English semedang. *sigh*)
deena : camni ye.
nahhhhh. ni la muka monkey yang si deena rasa dah cukup monkey tu. lagi sekali aku gelak terbahak-bahak. adoyyyyyyy. budak kecik tak tahu pape. sonok je dia rase. aku plak tanpa rasa bersalah telah melaksanakan child abuse. kah kah kah.
deena: hahahaha. deena jadi monkey laa.
eh2. suka bebenor plak dia. adoyyyyyy. aku plak yang serabut dengan si deena ni.
sebab ayee kata aku jahat, aku sumbat dia dalam penjara. padan muka! hahahahaha.
p/s: aku maateh yang baik. sekian.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
selalu terserempak dengan si WORDLESS WEDNESDAY. tapi hari ni kita main aci-aci SPONTANEOUS THURSDAY plak ye. hihihi. jom !! nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh lah rujuk kat sini. sebagai permulaan,
tak sah kalau tak berak dalam satu!hari ini aku dah berak.hahahaha
p/s: ape lagi korang.
cepat la join.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
yeahhhhhh. hari ni aku balik Teluk Intan (TI). kelas di kala short semester yang sangat lah ciput ini telah mengizinkan aku pulang ke desa terchenta dengan lebih bermaharajalela. hahaha. so, macam biasa la tak lain tak bukan; meronggeng time to TI. that's the nearest town from my house. 15-20 minutes only. tak jauh pon. sesape yang belum pernah tiba ke sini boleh la roger aku. nanti aku boleh lah jadi tourist guide tak bertauliah korang. no hal laa. hahaha. ok layan je dulu gambar aku ni sebagai pembakar semangat kepada member-member yang rindu nak balik Teluk Intan.
me with Leaning Tower behind.
adek aku plak.
p/s: sesape yg bergambar kat tower ni selalunye mesti senget cam tower tu.
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