STOKIN! STOKIN! a few days to go. you must be so excited for the forth times. ohh Stokin hot mama. miss you so so so much. kenapa la bila ko nak beranak je aku takde di sisi.? time Koko dan Labu dolu pon aku takde. cume time Cikaboo ngan Comot je aku ade. tepat aku tengah long break and exactly after my birthday. tapi this time i am not to be there again because my holiday doesn't start yet. ishk ishk. takpe2 mak kan ade. the best doc ever you have right. LOL. abah pon ade. they all will take care of you and the coming soon babies ok. don't worry.
tak sabar nak tunggu dapat baby baru yeaaaaaaayyyyy.insyallah raya cina nanti kita jumpe ok.

buncit nyer perottttttttttt.
kali ni target berapa??enam??or lapan??
tak larat ea Stokin. baring melepek ja.
ok tarik nafas. hembus perlahan.
wahhhhh. abah da sediakan tempat tuk Stokin. ok sila practice rerajin ye Stokin.
push Stokin push!
push again push!
kasi baby kiut miut banyak-banyak au Stokin. macamni

p/s: harapkan stokin punye baby la.
aku lambat lagi.
kah kah kah
hee...stokin mst dpt ank comeyy..confirm!;)
haha....blik cuti ni mesti meriah...
stokin n new babies...huhu
bestnyeeeeeeeeeeee :(
comel weih
Review Filem : Khurafat Filem Pertama Syamsul Yusof Yang Aku Suka
geram kot tgk anaktucin camtuh..
echah: dengan penoh keyakinan kauu..
nolie: yeahhh..macam kenduri..
kila: besh bangat dehhh..
hans: hahaha..tengok auntie iye laaa..
noorafzan: katik ja kan..telinga plak mahal nk mampos..
ape pasai la name dia stokin? haha.
selamat menjadi ibu angkat ^__^
ko pon kena praktis pegang baby kucing. mereka sensitipp
sebab kaki dia macam pakai stokin..depan stokin baby..blakang stokin bola..hahaha
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